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Working Paper Series in Economics

The Working Paper Series in Economics at the University of Cologne publishes original scientific research in all fields of economics and related areas, with a focus in applied microeconomics and behavioral economics. You can find an overview of our publications here.

The Working Paper Series have published many highly cited papers in economics, for example, Ockenfels and Selten (2005), Impulse Balance Equilibrium and Feedback in First Price Auctions, Greiner (2005), The Online Recruitment System ORSEE 2.0 - A Guide for the Organization of Experiments in Economics, and Bolton et al. (2003), How Effective are Electronic Reputation Mechanisms? An Experimental Investigation.

The series is available on RePEc.

To submit a working paper and for all other inquires regarding the Working Paper Series, please contact Simon Brandkamp.


Simon Brandkamp
Managing editor